Saturday, November 21, 2009

Accomplishments and blessings

So sometimes when the going gets tough and things seem discouraging, the best antidote is to count your accomplishments and your blessings.  Today is a good day for me to do that.  (Today is still Friday to me since I just wrapped up some work!)

I was able to focus and get a little free time of my own to catch things up at work.  I tend to jump in and help others when they need it and sacrifice my own ability to do it all.  I caught a few precious moments today to work on the pile of "to-do's" at work.

I finally balanced our October budget.  Not exactly on time, but because we've gotten used to following the spending guidelines of our budget, it's just a formality.  Tally up the amount spent on each category and whatever is left over goes to pay off debt.  We did well with that goal last month and put a dent in the debt.

I usually pass out on Fridays because the week has completely exhausted me.  Tonight, I got home and changed, but kept myself going to avoid this spiral into unconsciousness.  It worked!  The budget is a long and tedious process of double and triple checking things, and I stayed up to power through the whole thing.  Tomorrow, I have a goal of setting up November's budget and balancing it to-date.

I got good test results back from both of my annual doctor visits.  I'm healthy!  I'm doing what I need to do to stay that way.  This is an awesome thing!

My husband is going to stay up with the load of towels that's in the dryer so we'll have warm, fresh towels in the morning.

I had a more cheerful attitude at work.  I'm regaining my determination to keep my attitude within MY control and not allow others to bring it down.

I got to eat several vegetarian meals this week, and have switched to soy milk.  I really do not miss meat so far!

I caught up with my bestest friend.  It doesn't happen nearly enough because we're both so busy, but it's nothing but warm fuzzies when we get the opportunity.  She is one of my favorite blessings!

See, life is pretty darn good after all!  Now it's bedtime for me.  Night night with a smile in my heart!