Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yoga and Expectations

I went to yoga again tonight.  I'm really enjoying it and one of the best parts is rearranging my work schedule to try to ensure that I can break free in time.  Kind of makes me want to line up classes every night!  Of course the logical thing would be to realign my day anyway and practice when I get home each day. 

I just try to be happy with what I can do each day and not set specific expectations onto myself.  When I do, the success is shortlived and it creates disappointment.  I strive to be the best version of myself every single day and that is the best goal of all.  You can still live with goals, just not set yourself up for a fall.  When I was in the dating world, there were guys who tried to put me up on a pedestal.  I never liked that for two reasons.  One, they were worshiping a glorified version of my true self.  Two, what goes up must come down, and the taller the pedestal, the harder the fall.  Creating unobtainable expectations or goals for yourself is the same thing.  But this time, you hold both the disappointment of being let down and the pain of the fall.

Of course, you have to hold yourself to standards and set some goals.  This isn't a get out of jail free philosophy.  I actually think it frees you up to live with more passion.  Speaking of passion, it's time for bed and I don't think I need to spell out anything more than that!!!

What is your relationship with goals and expectations?  How passionately do you live your life?

P.S. As class ended tonight, I found the sweetest level of relaxation that I probably have ever had in the relaxation pose.  Looooooved it!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Praise for the path

I pondered an interesting revelation the other morning on my way into work.  I can remember about a year ago when I first heard of green monsters and Kris Carr.  I totally understood why she took the path she did, ate the foods she did, and really loved and adored her outlook and vibrancy.  I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine how she sacrificed all the "good" foods to force herself to eat only healthy food day in and day out.  I thought it must get miserable.  I also assumed it had to be a full time job to prepare all the healthy specialized foods.

It really made me laugh to reflect back on that.  I wake up every morning with a grumbly tummy that craves my daily green monster brekkie.  My favorite desk lunch on earth is a whole grain pita with hummus, kale, broccoli, and carrots.  I know have ZERO desire to eat meat, fast food, donuts, and many other unhealthy foods.  I have even been craving less chocolate lately!!!!!!!  I NEVER knew that was possible! 

As I continue to learn more about nutrition and what food works best with my body, the changes continue.  I am a dairy junkie no more and have learned that "not all money is good money" also refers to free food.  Not all free food is good food... some of the cheap unhealthy junk just needs to be left on the counter.

I'll continue to enjoy my green monster every morning and the inexplicably happy feeling my tummy feels after getting filled with all those nutrients.  I'll continue to munch my pita while my coworkers pack on the BBQ.  I can really truly honestly testify to anyone that you CAN love eating healthy.  You have to give it a little time, but it really is true. 

Oh and I can promise you that it is nothing close to a full time job.  I have a full time+ job and a million other things on my plate.  I still manage the veggie path every day and I have my morning monster down to a science.  It is totally do-able.  Plus think about how much faster and easier it is to eat raw... no cook time at all!

Did you have any beliefs that you personally disproved as you continued your path in life?  What foods can you happily eat day in and day out?  What cravings fell by the wayside as you ate better?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I got my OM on tonight!  I saw a bulletin listing for a yoga class nearby and decided to take the plunge.  I've done yoga on and off for most of my entire life.  When I was a wee little lass, my mom did yoga.  I used to find it sooo hilarious that my mom would have to struggle to get the poses because it was so easy for me to contort my little body into the positions.  My favorite (very modified) yoga move was to run at a breakneck speed down the hall that ended in my parents' room and launch myself into a headstand on their bed.  I considered it gymnastic yoga, my special hybrid.

Over the years, I forgot about yoga.  I would return to it from time to time, but had never actually taken a class.  I had an old yoga book from the '70s and DVDs up until tonight.  I have to say I really liked taking the class.  It was a small class and everyone was older than me.  I could do some poses better than others and some worse.  The teacher wasn't too handsy, but did offer correction and detailed directions on how to do things correctly. 

The hour flew by and I felt strong and accomplished at the end.  I loved NOT being in control of what poses are done, not knowing what we're doing next, and not being sure if I'd ever tried the pose before or not.  I can be kind of a control freak and was very nervous walking in not knowing what to expect.  While I found a parking spot I told myself that I was just going to surrender to the experience.  If everyone was more advanced than me, if I had to get corrected on every pose, if they seemed unwelcoming, or anything else negative, that was ok.  I was there to let everything go and to learn.  It was oddly empowering to be out of control.  I definitely plan to go back!

Let's see, things have been pretty good lately.  I'm taking better care of myself and getting closer to the healthy amount of sleep each night.  I am on bottle #2 of toxin free castile soap for my hair.  That saga continues but I'm very optimistic that this shampoo gets along better with my hair.  I'm whittling down my real life to-do list.  I'm eating delicious vegetarian foods.

What have you been up to lately?  Are you taking good care of yourself?  What has been your best outcome from stepping out of your comfort zone?  Do you like challenging yourself like that or do you like staying in your safe cocoon?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Checking in

Just a super quick update.

Still working on my hair.  Still working out.  Still eating healthy.  A little website change is in the works.  More to come on that as the changes become apparent.

Life is still good!

Just finished some healthy online shopping for protein powder and more toxin-free shampoo.  Also looked up more home remedy hair treatments.  I know this is mainly about food and not hair, but they still use pantry items so I think it kind of works with a little stretch of the imagination.  I will report back on them as I get the chance to try them.

I still love you guys and haven't forgotten you for a second.  I had to pull back and do a little TLC, though.  Adequate sleep kept giving way to blogging so I hit a wall where I had to recuperate.  Other than work purposes, I think it's been a couple weeks since I've even been on the computer.  I really kind of took a technology detox for awhile.  I have to say that even though I missed you and wondered what I was missing for your sites, I really enjoyed using the computer and phone WAY less than usual.

I'll elaborate more later, but it's late and I have some hair to wash.  xoxo!